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For Poetry Month 2014, I'm searching for metaphors and similes. Join me! Here's a bit more on this month's project.

April 15


Have you ever noticed that when you’re shopping for a couch, suddenly you see couch ads everywhere? It’s as if someone turned off your couch filter.

That’s what’s happening to me during this whirlwind metaphoraffair.

People are talking in metaphors!  I just came from a meeting and I swear, within 15 minutes, four people used vivid metaphors and similes.

WOWEE! It felt as if I were riding class 5 rapids!

One woman, reflecting on how badly she was treated by family members, said that she thinks of them not as bad people but as if they were made of glass.  She said we’re all broken…we splinter differently, and the pieces can be quite beautiful.

What’s your metaphor?

broken glass



poem © 2014 April Halprin Wayland. All rights reserved

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