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Of course you know it’s Poetry Month
but do you know that
the wonderful and
delicious Jama Rattigan
has herded poet bloggers
in the Kidlitosphere onto
her site  this month?

Thank you, Jama!


(And check out my group blog,
Every Friday when we talk
poetry, poetry, poetry!)


I write a poem each day; during Poetry Month 2015 I’m sharing *PPPs 
Welcome to Poetry Month 2015!

Eli and I will be feeding you one PPP per day for Poetry Month this year.  What is a PPP, you ask?  A *Previously Published Poem.  I have so many poems in so many anthologies, books and magazines, Eli thought I should snap a leash on one each day this month and give it a walk around the block.  So that’s what we’re doing this year.  Enjoy!

(once you click on the title of the poem to the right,
the post shows up below ↓ )

Eli thinking deep, poetic thoughts…

April 2


by April Halprin Wayland

New to Portland,
led by my cousin,
I hike beside her.

The air is saturated.
That blade of grass
glistens as I pass.

The dirt is a loamy red.
My shoes will need a cleaning, I think.
Or maybe I’ll leave them, a soft-stained souvenir.

We crunch up the trail—
something rustles to my right
and is gone.

I pluck a low-hanging emerald leaf,
scrunch it between my fingers,
press it to my nose.

“Isn’t that mountain peak beautiful?â€
my cousin asks,
her eyes alive.

Mountain peak?
I look up. I hadn’t seen it.
It is beautiful.

And she?
She didn’t see
the leaf.

published in The Cat ‘n Banjo, January 2006


poem © 2015 April Halprin Wayland. All rights reserved

2 Responses to “THE BIG PICTURE”

  1. Serena says:

    I liked this one.

  2. April says:

    Thank you, Serena!

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